Sunday, December 10, 2006

Yes or No

Florida 14th Judicial District Chief Assistant State Attorney Lewis' letter, dated December 6, 2006, disappointed but did not surprise me. I asked him a simple question: Did you view the videotape that you referenced in your letter in response to my Public Records Request? He answered my question by refusing to answer it. Electronic surveillance experts have stated that the audio phenomenon recorded in that videotape is indicative of electronic surveillance. The audio/video devices are mounted on the utility poles servicing the house and grounds and can “bug” anywhere from 20 to 40 square acres. The SAO is aiding and abetting Florida law enforcement in their continuing and on-going cover-up of this egregious violation of a citizen’s most basic rights as guaranteed by both the Florida and US Constitutions. Unaccountability and being “above the law” makes this arrogance possible and truly is the sign of a police state.

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