Saturday, December 09, 2006

Chief Assistant State Attorney Lewis replies

Yesterday afternoon I received a glassine faced envelope letter, dated 12-6-06 and postmarked 12-07-06 (anniversary of Pearl Harbor), from the office of the Hon. Steve Meadows, FL 14th judicial circuit, signed by Chief Assistant State Attorney William A. Lewis. I've posted a copy of its text below in its entirety.

Dear Mr. Keegan,

All inquiries by this office have failed to substantiate any of your claims. Absent any credible evidence this office is closing our file.

signed, William A. Lewis

First, I didn't make any claims. I filed a simple Public Records Request with the SAO, which the Hon. Steve Meadows ignored until I asked the Hon. Charlie Crist (now Gov. elect Crist) if I should file my PRR with his office.

Secondly, I asked Mr. Lewis a simple question:
Did you view my videotape? Yes or no? Simple enough question for a simple public servant to anwer. However, Mr. Lewis answered my question by not answering it. Again, this was a simple PRR followed by a simple question.

Mr. Jim Ross and possibly Mr. G. Gordon Liddy can verify my credibility, along with two Presidents, one VP, and numerous US congressmen, including former US FL Rep. Joe Scarborough, and US FL Reps. Miller and Boyd.

The following is an open and public question to Mr. Lewis:

Did you view my videotape? You can answer "yes" or you can answer "no." Again, Mr. Lewis, did you view the evidence that I sent to the Hon. Steve Meadows (FL 14th judicial district) since he won't answer. Surely an honorable public servant such as yourself shouldn't have any difficulty answering this simple question?

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