Thursday, September 20, 2007

Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum


The Office of the Attorney General
The Capitol, PL-01,
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050
Fax: 850-410-1630

Dear Attorney General McCollum,

Pursuant to Title 18 U.S.C. Sec. 4, I’m notifying you in your official capacity as Florida’s Attorney General of official misconduct and illegal interception of wire, oral, and electronic communications by the FDLE and the Holmes County Sheriff’s Department. In addition, I am charging State Attorney Steve Meadows and Chief Assistant State Attorney William A. Lewis with covering up the FDLE’s and Holmes County Sheriff’s Department official misconduct by refusing to investigate my charges and the evidence that I provided.

On former Gov. Jeb Bush’s suggestion, I forwarded evidence of this illegal electronic surveillance to my State Attorney. SA Meadows never acknowledged or replied to the evidence that I provided or any of my communications. Assistant State Attorney Lewis eventually replied to a Public Records Request, which Mr. Meadows ignored. However, in a letter, dated 12-6-06, Mr. Lewis wrote: “All inquiries by this office have failed to substantiate any of your claims. Absent any credible evidence this office is closing our file.” Chief Assistant State Attorney Lewis is lying in order to cover up official misconduct by Florida Law Enforcement Officers. Electronic surveillance experts indicated that audio phenomenon recorded in the VHS videotape that I provided as one piece of evidence was indicative of electronic surveillance. Other evidence provided corroborates my charges on the face of it.

In response to a 12-16-06 Public Records Request for the closed file containing records of his “inquiries,” Mr. Lewis only provided: a copy of my Public Records Request and some earlier correspondence. He did not supply any records or references to the evidence that I provided. JoAnn Carrin, Director of Open Government, EOG, indicated that these issues are appropriate for the OAG Open Government Mediation Program. In response to my request for Open Mediation regarding the SAO’s inadequate response, Assistant Attorney General Joslyn Wilson wrote Mr. Lewis on 8-28-07 requesting that he notify her by 9-5-07 if the SAO wished to participate in this voluntary program. On 9-12-07, Assistant Attorney General Wilson closed my mediation case file because Assistant State Attorney Lewis had not replied to her. Mr. Lewis did not reply because he is lying and covering-up official misconduct by FL law enforcement.

If I had known beforehand that you were to be the keynote speaker at the Bonifay Republican Reagan Day Dinner on 9-6-07, I would have attended in order to discuss this official misconduct and provide you with the same evidence that the SAO refuses to address. Since I missed this recent opportunity, I would like to either present this evidence to you personally or else forward it. Please reply by 10-5-07. Thank you.


Joe Keegan

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