Tuesday, September 11, 2007

OAG Open Government Mediation Program

The USPS verified delivery on August 31, 2007 of the certified letter below:

August 30, 2007

The Office of the Attorney General
The Capitol, PL-01,
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050

Re: OAG Open Government Mediation Program

Dear Attorney General McCollum,

I’ve attached a copy of my Florida Public Records Request, dated December 16, 2006, that I sent to the State Attorney’s Office in Panama City, FL. The USPS verified its delivery on Dec. 19, 2006 at 3:20 PM. On former Gov. Jeb Bush’s suggestion, I forwarded evidence of illegal electronic surveillance by the FDLE and Holmes County Sheriff’s Department to my State Attorney. I never heard from SA Meadows; however, ASA Lewis eventually replied to an earlier FL PRR. The response that I received to my Dec. 16, 2006 PRR was totally inadequate, consisting only of some of my earlier correspondence while omitting material evidence that I had sent to the SAO, such as a January 5, 2001 letter from William S. Rimes, WFEC Executive VP & CEO, and email from another party. In addition, there was no mention of a VHS videotape- a crucial piece of evidence- that I sent to SA Meadows. Electronic surveillance experts described the recorded audio phenomenon in the VHS videotape as indicative of electronic surveil-lance. Furthermore, there was no indication in the records provided that either Mr. Meadows or Mr. Lewis questioned former FDLE Commissioner Guy Tunnel, who was employed by SA Meadow’s office at the time. Earlier, Gov. Bush had forwarded my complaint to then FDLE Commissioner Tunnel at the time that he suggested that I bring any evidence of my charges to my State Attorney. The SAO didn’t supply anything in response to my FL Public Records Request, dated Dec. 16, 2006, that could even remotely be described as a case file, which would have served as the basis for Mr. Lewis' Dec. 6, 2006 letter discussed in this Public Records Request (see attached).

JoAnn Carrin, Director of Open Government, EOG, indicated that these issues are appropriate for the OAG Open Government Mediation Program. I hope that you can help. If you need any additional information or have any questions, please contact me. Thank you.


Joe Keegan

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