Saturday, September 27, 2008

After FBI Director Mueller's US Senate Testimony

I received two letters yesterday from the DOJ/FBI. The first letter, dated Sept. 22, 2008, was from an Angela L. Byers, Unit Chief, Initial Processing Unit. Her letter apparently is in response to one of two complaints that I filed on March 17, 2008 with the DOJ OIG against FBI employees. As mentioned in above posts, I had to file FOI/PA requests to find out what happened to my complaints. The FOI/PA response was that there was no records of either complaint.

Whoever signed for Ms. Byers wrote that "We acknowledged receipt of your communications dated March 17, 2008, that you directed to the Office of the Inspector General, Department of Justice (DOJ/OIG), on September 25, 2007. First, I faxed and emailed both complaints on March 17, 2008, which is the day that they received it, and I believe that Ms. Byers mistakenly wrote the year as "2007" instead of 2008. If so, she also got the date wrong as her letter to me is dated September 22, 2008 and I supposedly referred it to her unit on September 25- three days after she wrote the letter. If her date is correct, however, my complaint was forwarded to her unit six months before I filed it. Apparently my complaint is caught up in some FBI time/space warp, which would also explain the whereabouts of my other separate complaint charging and incontrovertibly proving that FBI employees lied.

At any rate, she wrote that my complaint was against the FBI's Jacksonville Division,including former Special Agent in Charge Michael J. Folmar. She eventually concluded that I didn't provide any specific evidence to support my allegations and the royal "we" in her unit determined that this matter doesn't warrant further administrative action and the matter is closed. Realize that this is the division that insures the honesty and integrity of FBI employees.

The second letter, dated September 23, 2008, is from David M. Hardy, who handles the FBI's FOIA's, in reference to Request No: 1111513-001. Section Chief Hardy wrote that his letter was to advised me that my pending FBI request is being reviewed by an analyst. I had received a letter, dated July 7, 2008, from US DOJ Office of Information and Privacy Associate Director Janice Galli McLeod regarding- Appeal No.08-1881;Request No. 1111513. Assoc. Dir. McLeod remanded my FOI/PA request (1111513)back to the FBI. At the time I wondered why, because the FBI already denied having any records and described earlier appeals as moot, even though they denied one of my request under a FOIA exemption.

I can only conclude that the FBI is lying and covering up not only for their own employees failure to investigate my charges, but also for Florida law enforcement official misconduct and abuse, which amounts to psychological torture. The old saying that "one hand washes the other and they both wash the face" is appropriate here. I have suspicions that the FDLE would return the favor if they stumbled upon some illegal FBI surveillance.

There are no checks and balances to these abuses no matter what FBI Director Mueller may have told the Senate last week. Finally, the condensed and sanitized version of my charges that you're reading here is nothing compared to what the general public will see and possibly you yourself experience in the near future.


1 comment:

justice for sunny sheu said...

Do you have an e-mail address for Byers?
